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Welcome to the Wonderful World of Belly Dancing!

Belly dance began many years ago to celebrate many different occasions: the celebration of fertility through the movement of the stomach, weddings, the birth of a child, and was referred to as The Dance of the Belly. It symbolizes symbolizes sexuality, fertility and worldiness.

With hip lifts, hip drops, circles and sensual shimmies we will shape and tone our bodies through all the with the memorizing goddess figure eights that tighten our abs and hips and graceful flood movements for beautiful arms and holders.

We will feel the benefits of a moderate aerobic class for card vascular health boost our metabolism,and burn those calories ,and will improve our posture and flexibility. Belly dance is a fun and exciting class to bring fitness and fun into your life.

Get ready for Belly Barre at Rutherfurd Hall (click here for details) in September!