When I took my first Pilates class 10 years ago I was completely taken by the Pilates method - after the session I knew I would be teaching it one day. It empowered me to work my body while maintaining a sense of flow and grace. It seemed that everybody took something different away from the class - there were dancers with limbs stressed out to breaking point; there were moms straining under the burden of their small children; there were athletes with muscles stretched taut like a line; there were golfers with backs crooked from constant twisting; there were office workers with hamstrings shortened by forever sitting. Everybody could see how they might use this method of exercise to help them with their own personal issues.
So let's talk about what's involved in this wonderful exercise method that I'm raving about. Here are the offical components and my unofficial take on them:
Pilates requires concentration - I don't know about you but this is a big one for me because historically my mind has tended to wander all over the place! So by focusing our mind completely on the exercise we can execute it correctly and obtain maximum physical benefit and at the same time help keep our minds under control.
When performing a Pilates exercise we control every body part involved in that exercise so that the effectiveness of the exercise is maximized. While I'm exercising I love to think about how the elements in my body are working together to achieve the desired result and I think this helps to keep my body alive and working properly.
Centering allows us to stabilize our bodies during exercise especially to allow the abdominal muscles to support the lumbar spine. For me I can be reassured that I can push my body hard without risking injury to my back which has a history of nagging problems.
The transition from exercise to exercise must be fluid, smooth and controlled - our minds are completely focused as we move on to the next here. Again, no wandering mind problems here!
Pilates exercises are designed to be precise so that we can maximize the benefits of the exercise without fatiguing our bodies with unnecessary movements that can lead to fatigue and undesired results. I love the fact that I'm making efficient use of my time when I'm performing a Pilates routine.
Correct breathing creates endurance and energy while encouraging relaxation. Breathing creates stamina by maintaining sufficient oxygen levels in our blood. Of course this can help during our everyday lives as well as in a Pilates session.
When I teach Pilates I try to put together classes that follow these basic principles to produce practical results. So I'm looking for you to walk out of my class with better posture - walking tall and less prone to injury. I want you to be stronger and more energized to face the challenges of the day. I want you to have more stamina to deal with what can be the draining routine of everyday life. I want you to be confident and focused as you take on your responsibilities. I want you to give yourself the chance to spend your leisure time following active and fulfilling pursuits. I want you to worry less and enjoy yourself more.
I know it sounds like a lot but I can honestly say that Pilates has helped me so much to move my life in a good direction. I would love to help you do the same.